Thursday, January 05, 2006

Sleeping Babes

Our world was still blanketed in a quiet shade of dark when I awoke with Bill who was taking his brother to the airport. It is an uncommon thing for me to rise before the sun so, while I wanted to stay up to keep time with my husband, I was eager to return to the warmth and comfort of our bed. After all, we had busy days from Christmas until now and I had yet to reclaim my right to sleep in. It was my time, or so I thought.

Elizabeth wanted to take advantage of a ride into Seattle with her dad and uncle so she was also awake. Murron, however, was still rubbing sleepy eyes and clumsily draping her well loved fleece blankie around her little frame. When everyone had departed I scooped her into my arms and toted her into our bed.

Ulie was waiting for us, sleeping swaddled in his own blanket, puffing little breaths into the air. I didn't want to disturb his infant dreams but I needed to make room for Murron. As I eased us both under the covers I felt Murron's little body squirm and wiggle into a comfortable position before she relented to another round of slumber. I heard Ulie's deep sigh before he resumed his former pattern of breathing.

Just before I also fell asleep I found myself surrounded by a gentle and sweet sense of calm. My littlest ones were asleep beside me, their warm bodies drawing heat from my own, their breaths shallow and restful, and their tiny heartbeats pitter-pattering just barely above the sound of silence. It was a moment of awe and understanding.

How we must bless our Father above when we draw close to Him, curl into His arms, and rest.



Rudi and Geneva said...

S0 cute Glory! I do the same things with my girls sometimes. I love that time together with them!!

Nancy said...

Very beautiful Glory!

Cora said...

What a wonderful memory, Glory. One I'm sure you will cherish always. God bless you and your sweet family!

shannon said...

So beautiful, Glory. What blessed babes you have. :)

Refreshment in Refuge said...

I love this imagery, Glory!